Recommended Reading


Anxiety’s Inner Voice, by Clo Nickel (foreward by Dr. Evelyn Goodman)

Dancing with Fear, by Paul Foxman

Don’t Panic, by Reid Wilson

Facing Panic, by Reid Wilson

Free from Fears, by Seagrave and Covington

Master Your Panic, by Denise Beckfield

Panic Attacks Workbook: A Guided Program for Beating the Panic Trick,
by David Carbonell, Ph.D.

The Worry Trick, by David Carbonell, Ph.D.

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook and Healing Fear, by Edmund Bourne

When Panic Attacks, by David Burns

Mental Illness

When Someone You Love has a Mental Illness, by R. Woolis

I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, by X. Amador


Helping Your Anxious Child, by Rapee, Spence, Cobham Wignall

The Shy Child, by Ward K. Swallow

The Worried Child, by Paul Foxman

Your Anxious Child: How Parents and Teachers Can Relieve Anxiety in Children,
by John S. Dacey and Lisa B. Fiore


You Can Beat Depression, by John Preston

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Brain Lock, by Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Stop Obsessing!, by Edna Foa and Reid Wilson

Post-Traumatic Stress

I Can’t Get Over It, by Aphrodite Matsakis

The Body Keeps Score, by B. van der Kolk

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for Dummies, M. Goulston

Social Anxiety/Phobia

Beyond Shyness, by J. Berent

Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe, by Signe Dayhoff

Dying of Embarrassment, by Markway, Carmin, Pollard, Flynn

Managing Social Anxiety by Hope, Heinburg & Turk

Overcoming Shyness & Social Phobia, by Ronald Rapee

The Hidden Face of Shyness, by Schneider and Welkowitz

The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook, by Antony and Swinson


Stand Like Mountain, FLow Like Water, by Brian Luke Seaward

The Dance of Fear, by Harriet Lerner


The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution by Trudy Scott, CN

Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health by Leslie Korn, Ph.D.

The Chemistry of Calm by Henry Emmons, MD

Eat to Beat Depression and Anxiety by Drew Ramsey, MD

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